Weekly Written Review
I'm supposed to be completing my third and final screenplay for the year but I honestly don't want to. I rather relax. Regardless of what I want to do, the job has to get done. I recently took it upon myself to carry most of the writing burden between my writing partner. However, I'm not ready to focus on that script yet. Hell, I deserve a break. I just finished a 111-page screenplay last month. I deserve to take it easy. However, I have a plan to fully reemerge myself in the writing process during an upcoming adventure. Meanwhile, I enjoyed increasing my intake of sports this week. After that screenplay, I plan to return to a more frequent sports cycle for a while.
Sunday, October 6, 2019
* Hair trimming...
* Blogging...
* Reaching out to talent agencies in Tampa. It was a spontaneous idea. Meh!
* SAG Comm Screening: Once Upon a Time in Hollywood at the Beverly
Monday, October 7, 2019
* Writing...CLN updates
Tuesday, October 8, 2019
* Central Casting photo update
* Tennis with Hugo at Shatto
* My landlady gave gifted me a nice suitcase for my upcoming trip
Wednesday, October 9, 2019
* Garage cleaning, Rearranging, most of the day
* Helping Barb with some stuff
Thursday, October 10, 2019
* Basketball...
* Sent and email to someone that knows, in which I thought would help but I got the Hollywood response. No reply.
Friday, October 11, 2019
* Basketball..Since I won't be playing for a while I played twice this week. It was the first time in a while. I enjoyed it. I want to get back to doing that soon. Lost the first and won the next 4.
Saturday, October 12, 2019
* Blogging...
* Watching Power
* Trader Joe's...followed by unnecessary drama
As the quest continues...
The future of Late Night
Motown Maurice
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