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I won?! GET OUT!

Well, what a great way to start the week!  I just got today's Alice Marvels, and I won Alex Flinn's latest book, Cloaked!  I see that the reviews are so so, but her books read super fast, and it's free :) 

After my friend Heather (check out her blog if you haven't yet!) won Delirium from Alice Marvels the week before, I decided to give it a shot last week.  She really does choose by your answers and not randomly, so that sort of makes it even more fun--both in coming up with your answer, and with validation of your writing skills by winning :) 

The Question:
What fairy tale character would you most like to be and why?

My Answer:

Maybe it's the Sociology major in me, but Cinderella is one of my favorite classic fairy tales. The story really demonstrates that you can rise above your circumstances. She worked hard her entire young life, desperate for change but stuck in a loveless home. Enter the fairy godmother, who represents anyone in our life that encourages and inspire us to take risks. Our lives are what we make of them, and while our efforts might not earn us an actual prince, they will earn us a better life.  I'd want to be Cinderella because she has perspective. Often people who come from virtually nothing and become successful have a stronger outlook--they don't take anything for granted because they know what went into getting that success. They might even be kinder to those less fortunate, and who knows? They might be a fairy godmother for someone else.

Again I say, if you aren't entering anything, you definitely WON'T win ;)

Happy Valentine's Day!

Any plans? None here. We certainly don't need any little stuffed animals laying around the house, and I don't need the calories in the candy. We may go out to a nice lunch though (because we both work from home, and we don't like the evening crowd)! 

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