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And the Awesome Power . . .

of Stayin' Alive is felt once more in the halls of Congress. From the Sexuality Information and Education Council:

New York, NY - In making an effort to help safeguard our nation's youth, Representatives Luis Gutierrez (D-IL) and Jim Moran (D-VA) introduced the Guarantee of Medical Accuracy in Sex Education Act, the GMA. The GMA would prohibit the federal government from providing assistance to any entity whose materials on human sexuality contain medically inaccurate information. This provision would apply to all federally funded health education programs. The GMA stems from the findings of major medical associations and a Congressional review that show that the most frequently used abstinence-only-until-marriage curricula contain medically inaccurate and misleading information about condom efficacy, transmission of sexually transmitted diseases (STDs), including HIV, and pregnancy prevention, among other important issues related to sexual health.

Now, you wouldn't think it would be necessary to pass a law stating that federal funds cannot be used to lie to children. Wouldn't you?

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