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Moraine Lake, Banff - Time Lapse shot on the Sony EX1R

Date: August 25, 2010
Time: 10:32AM
Location: Moraine Lake, located in the Banff National Park, Alberta, Canada
GPS Coordinates: 51°19′21″N 116°11′08″W

To get my frame, I climbed down to an outcropping of rock to get an unimpeded vista of the Valley of Ten Peaks and the breathtaking aquamarine lake.

Camera: Sony EX1R Cinealta XDCAM
Filter: Hoya Circular Polarizer
Tripod Setup: E-Image 7063H tripod head with E-Image AT 7402 legs
Shutter: 180 degrees
Frame Rate: 24p
f-stop: 5.6
ND: 1/64
Format: 1920x1080p
Interval Recording: 1 frame every 4 seconds

Problems: Bracketing the exposure to get detail in the clouds without losing the detail in the trees and on the mountains wasn't entirely successful. A grad filter could have solved this problem.

The vivid aquamarine color of the lake only shows when the sun shines on the water. With the naked eye, this color is so brilliant and striking, it looks fake. This clip doesn't do the water any justice. Below is an unaltered screen grab of the water color:

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