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So Are the Days of Our Lives

... Like sands through the hourglass. That is pretty funny because there was actually a time back in 1986(?) when Heidramor was in Chico at University and I did what I do when left to my own devices (Not working, kind-of-junior college, there was something else??? Oh year, tequila!)

I was living at home and started watching "Days of Our Lives" with my younger sister and a mess of her friends. Like every day. I thought that shit was FANTASTIC! It was heckuv like D&D, like these weird plot lines besides the obligatory love story were espionage, secret identities, a mysterious computer disk (the 1st time I saw a 3 1/2" inch floppy was on Days). Then there was a writers' strike, and the show continued with I don't know who doing the story and,,, well. That was that.

Anyhow, we started the next phase of our rotating DM campaign and I played a character for only the third or fourth time since 2004! Hazzah!!!

(My game map...)
Linksman did an excellent story with some mysterious ancient translations, hidden traps, violent monsters, and travels through time. Due to California's Covid-19 shelter-in-place we gamed on Discord for video and chat, and used Roll20 for maps.

My one critique is that we could have just used Discord and verballed the mapping, 'twernt nothing but straight-ass rooms - easy to visualize. Ha, having virtual game tokens actually made melee a tad more confusing because of folks forgetting to move their mini. Minor issue though, the game was a blast.  :~)

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