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Eleanor and I love going to see shows at the theatre, especially musicals. One of the shows Eleanor really wants to see is Wicked, so when I found out that it will be touring next year, I knew I must get tickets.

Wicked is the story of the two witches from The Wizard of Oz, Glinda and the Wicked Witch of the West, as they meet and become friends as sorcery students. This is as much as I know about the storyline, so I'm really looking forward to seeing it. I find I really enjoy shows where I don't know what to expect, you tend not to go with pre conceived ideas and just enjoy it for what it is.

It's so expensive to go to the theatre these days, so I usually buy seats in the balcony which are a bit cheaper, but as this is a show which Eleanor really wants to see, I decided to splash out and buy seats in the stalls. It's going to be part of her Christmas present anyway, so I don't mind paying a bit more on this occasion.

There's three other shows coming up in the next three months which we've got tickets for, so that's exciting. I'll tell you more about those as we see them.

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