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Do What You Need to Do and Write What You Need to Write.

I know I have been on sort of a role about being a bit kinder to fellow travelers.  I also know I have been a bit harsh in putting forth the message; I guess, in large part, because it seems like the ones that actually need the message won't hear it otherwise.

You may recall the other day I posted on the Goldring Travel Facebook Page about a truly inspirational speaker I saw with my family by the name of Michael Fowlin.  He had many great messages for teenagers, but also for adults.  One of them was, "Stop doing what you are supposed to do and starting doing what you need to do."

I really took that to heart and have really tried to change the way I do some things.  Without trying to sound too virtuous, and without getting into specifics, I have done things like letting some important people know that they are really appreciated rather than just sending them a Christmas card...and they probably never actually perceived themselves as important to me.  And rather than say to a waitress whose customer walked out on their bill, "Sorry", I did something to assist.

So today I received another of the many emails I get from my 79 year old mother.  (Remember when your grandmother would cut out articles from the newspaper and mail them to your parents?  This is the modern version of that.)  Anyway, she sent it because the video was shot in Red Bank, New Jersey (the home of Goldring Travel...and formerly a really good cigar bar seen in the background, but now closed). 

This video, by Life Vest Inside, speaks to the same thing.  Coincidence?

Sometimes people board luxury cruise ships and believe it is all about them.  They paid their price and they demand all they believe they are entitled to.  Sometimes those people forget that they are dealing with human beings and that the stewardess is doing her best, the hotel manager is trying to correct things for you, the food served by the waiter may not be perfect, but they are people.

So before you start yelling.  Before you start posting how bad they are.  Before you start adversely affecting other's dreams of their cruise.  Before you write as if your singular experience is authoritative and the dozens of more positive experiences must be a thing of the past or a sign of things to come (rather than an isolated instance):  THINK.

Do you really think you NEED to yell, or berate or castigate? Or is just something that you decided you should do? 

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