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Southside Festival

Hallo Zusammen,

My name is Vitor and I am from Campina Grande, Brazil. I am currently making an exchange semester in RheinAhrCampus and at the same time an Internship in Sprachen / Internationales.

Being in Germany has opened me not only the opportunity of learning a lot about different cultures and develop several skills related to business, but also explore different places and live with unique experiences. In the last days from 21 until the day 23 of June I was in the Southside Festival in Neuhausen with Adam, my Buddy for this semester. There I had the opportunity to make a lot of friends and see the concert of great bands. These are the bands, which I have been listening to since I was a kid. 

Being in 3-days-camping with German friends, meeting with new people from other’s places, seeing the fireworks, in the end, are things that I have never experiences in Brazil before.  Watching the big shows like Foo Fighters, The Cure, Die Toten Hosen, Mumford and sons and much more, it was always my dream.

At the festival, there were around sixty thousand people, most part of it camping during the whole process as I did. 

- Vitor

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